
Sunday, May 28, 2006

ThreadBare Gems

Plagiarism is definitely one of the most indulged in activity. Though the means, to which one may want to reach through it, may differ drastically, but the underlying subtle aspiration in everyone’s mind is the same : mileage. Existence of variety in the implicit meaning of mileage ratifies the very existence of the word “plagiarism”. Had it not been for variety, trite would have been this place. And keeping that in mind, I unclothe a fetish, idolized by many, with me in the same league.

Well, it all started with a reputed English daily challenging me every day, questioning my cerebral intelligence, and humiliating me more often than not, by a margin, which by any standards could be called the safest. Shots had to be called some day. What else could anyone do with disgrace shoved right in the face, with words like “floccinaucinihilipilification” followed by “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis”. Some more followed in the form of “isthmus” and “annelidous”, though some what short lived were these, the culmination was having a neurotic effect on my mental stability. So, then I decided that for my daily dose of the latest, the boxes, which have been immortalized by the usage of the word idiot before them, are a better means for getting it. So, there I was, sifting through channels, looking for tits and bits on whatever I could and on whatever I wanted to learn about through those wicked papers. But here too, the joy was short lived. The same story repeated itself.

Henceforth starts the story of a man, pilloried by creations of man himself. I started collecting them, that is, the various permutations and combinations of the letters, which were made out to be as words, or were being used as words with no affection towards mankind. And while doing so, many words, worthy of being called gems, were encountered. Some of them epitomizing creativity, while some calling for detestation. Though the majority were in the former category. So, I would like to present some of the gems, which I find worthy to be used in the language, but which, of course, were borrowed from other vernaculars.

Bonjour – good morning (French)

Bon soir – good evening (French)

Bete noire – a person who is hated or disliked very much (French)

Mea culpa – at or by my own fault, acknowledge one’s mistake (Latin)

Beau monde – world of high society and fashion (French)

Bon apetit – used to indicate delicious meal ready to be eaten, or just wishing someone to enjoy the meal (French)

Bon vivant – someone who seeks pleasure/fun (French)

Nada – nothing (Spanish)

R.S.V.P – a request at the end of a letter, for reply (French)

A la Carte – according to the menu (in restaurants) (French)

Ad absurdum – to the point of absurdity (Latin)

Ad nauseam – to a sickening degree (Latin)

Bona fide – in good faith, genuine (Latin)

Carte blanche – unrestricted power to act on one’s own (French)

De rigueur – strictly required, as by etiquette, fashion, or usage (French)

Faux pas – a social blunder (French)

Nota bene – note well; take notice (Italian)

Quid pro quo – something for something, tit for tat (Latin)

Veni, vidi, vici – I came, I saw, I conquered (Latin)

Vox populi – voice of the people/masses (Latin)

But you might be wondering why a person would profess to the world about his hard earned gems. But here is the catch. Well, knowing a word is one thing, and using them profoundly and pronouncing them in a correct manner is quite other. So, envy is still all yours and pride’s all mine. My prerogative!


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